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SCCMLS Property Categories

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

As a commercial multiple listing service, SCCMLS supports commercial property types that are consistent regardless of platform.

The Property Types separate listings into for lease or for sale, while the Property Sub Type determines the fields for input, and type of property.

Entering a choice for one Sub Type is required on listing entry. If you would like to include two additional sub types, those fields are available to you as well.

Property Type

Commercial for Sale

Commercial for Lease

Property Sub Types





Special Purpose



Unimproved Land (formerly Vacant Land)

Selecting the Property Type of Commercial Sale or Commercial Lease is the first thing you must do when inputting a new listing. You cannot proceed until you select an option.

Each Property Sub Type has a carefully built custom design specific to that listing group's needs. For example, when discussing size, square footage fields populate in Office, while acreage fields populate for land. Once you choose an option from the Property Sub Type list, the input page will adjust to fit that type's needs.


If you'd like, you may add a Secondary or Tertiary Property Sub Type on your listing. This is not required, but if your listing heavily conforms to another Sub Type, you can enter that detail. Doing this will not change your input form, as only the primary Property Sub Type determines the input form.

To enter a listing with additional Sub Types, select your main Property Sub Type (required), then you'll see just below that field, Secondary and Tertiary Property Sub Type fields (not required).

How to include Sub Types in your search:

You will only need the single "Property Sub Type" field within your search. Any multi-select options here will cover a listing entry in the primary, secondary or tertiary field in the listing.


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